About QKSMS:  Features Theming: 19 beautiful colors to choose from.
 Night mode: Easy on your eyes, and (in some cases) your battery.
 QKReply: Reply to messages faster than ever.
 MMS: For when text just doesn’t cut it.
 Group messaging: So tell all your friends!
 No ads: We will never show ads. Ever.
 Literally anything else you want: We work on QKSMS every day of the week. If you have any ideas or feedback, join our Google+ community (see below) and help us make QKSMS even more incredible!
Q: This is incredible! I love you so much!
This isn’t a question, silly! But we love you too. Since we love you so much, we have a few nice features available for purchase! If you upgrade to QKSMS+, you’ll get:
 Theming upgrade: Over 150 additional colors!
 Automatic night mode: Automatically change to night mode at night time.
Q: Why isn’t MMS working?
MMS can be tricky to set up. QKSMS tries to auto-select settings for you, but if it doesn’t work try searching your carrier’s APN settings, and entering them in Settings > Advanced.
Q: What is this awesome Google+ community I keep hearing about?
Joining the Google+ community will give you access to the latest version of QKSMS+ before anyone else. Essentially you become somewhat of a tester for the app! Here’s how to become a tester:
 Request to join the Google+ community at : plus.google.com/communities/113548623434189541823
 Wait until you’re accepted (usually within the day)
 Visit the community page and click on the “Become a Tester” link near the top
 Become a tester
 Download the beta version of the app via the link at the bottom of that page
 Why does this look so similar to Textra?
Textra and QKSMS both follow the newly-released Material guidelines. [1] Additionally, QKSMS actually had the beautiful Material look long before Textra, as you can see in the announcement for Textra’s design update, [2] and by looking at this album of QKSMS mocks from June, months before the Textra design update. [3] Lastly, QKSMS still sets itself apart by paying closer attention to detail in transitions, animations, and visual design!